Gwynnie’s 2nd Ducky Birthday Bash!

May 22, 2012
Gwynnie’s 2nd Ducky Birthday Bash was an absolute blast and we all had a wonderful time! There were a few surprises too that just about sent the birthday girl over-the-moon!
Looks like a few duckies have been waddling around these parts!

The food and treat table. Everything was home-made with love!

Ducky Oreos

Strawberry and lemon rock candy

The beverage table

Pike Place coffee and donuts

The cutest little duckies!

These guys showed up the right way!

The birthday girl

She enjoyed the food very much!

I think he is going to hate me for this one day…

Coordinating flowers

New wagon from Grandma and Grandpa, and she loves it!

Learning to ride a big girl bike.
She even loves to wear the helmet.
It was “Mommy’s turn” so I showed her how it’s done.

And then the biggest surprise of the day…

She was thrilled. πŸ™‚

They were SOOO cute!


The craft table

The kiddos decorated their “quacky cup” to look like a duck, and then when the sponge got wet and was pulled down the string it made a (kindof sad) quacking sound. They could also color if they wanted to.

My example… kindof cute?


The kiddos actually seemed to enjoy doing this

The biggest ducky lover of them all… πŸ™‚


Play time!

More ducks! And BIG ones! And a goose and a turkey too. There is definitely a story behind this that I will address in a later blog. Oh boy.

She thought they were great.

Thank goodness they were nice!

They stayed in a herd the whole time.

Wagon rides

Time to blow out the candle
She still doesn’t quite get it, as she blew it very softly, so Mommy and Daddy helped her out.
Going in for the taste…
More! She apparently liked it. πŸ™‚
The favor table

Some of Gwyn’s favorite snacks, all in coordinating colors.

Finishing off the day with more ducky play time…

A little sprinkler fun!

And she thought the ducky could use some swing time.

A wonderfully fun day with our family and friends.

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